The Twiga Foundation is the fiscal sponsor of the Parenting in the Workplace Institute, enabling tax-deductible donations to expand parenting-at-work programs.
You can donate on Twiga's site using PayPal or a credit card to directly support our work.
Checks can be mailed directly to the Twiga Foundation at:
Twiga Foundation, Inc.
816 West Bannock St., Suite 303
Boise, ID 83702
Please specify "Parenting in the Workplace Institute" or "Babies at Work" on checks. Twiga will provide receipts for tax purposes upon request. Please contact us or the
Twiga Foundation with any questions you may have!
Thank you so much for your support!
Your donations are used to expand the free resources available on this website and to provide assistance to parents
and organizations with proposing and implementing sustainable babies-at-work programs. With your help, we plan to
bring these programs to
thousands of organizations.