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NOTICE AS OF MAY 29, 2021:
Due to the impact of Covid-19 on these programs and other events that have compromised our availability, we are no longer able to verify or update our database of baby-inclusive companies. We are also not routinely able to provide assistance with implementing baby programs. We have added free downloadable copies of the books Babies @ Work, Bringing New Life to the Workplace and How to Start a Babies-at-Work Program to our Resources page for your use in proposing and implementing new programs. We are still checking messages sent through this site but cannot guarantee responses. We wish you the best!
Our Mission
The Parenting in the Workplace Institute (PIWI) researches and provides resources for the implementation of formal programs in which parents can bring their children to work every day and care for them while doing their jobs. Please contact us for assistance pitching a program in your organization.
Key benefits:
Earlier return to work after a baby's birth
Increased employee retention
Higher morale
Increased teamwork
Increased efficiency from parent-participants
Recruiting tool
Free publicity
Fiscal sponsorship of PIWI is provided by the Twiga Foundation, Inc.

Amanda and Teagan at
W.S. Badger Company
(Photo by Kelli Strickland)
Resources and Support
We provide assistance to parents with pitching programs to their organizations. We also help organizations to set up sustainable programs that bring consistent benefits.

Donations are used to provide direct assistance to parents and businesses for the implementation of baby programs, so that more employees can reap the extensive benefits of being able to bring their babies to work.

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